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Bomb the Music Industry!
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New York, USA

genre icon Pop-Punk

style icon Rock/Pop



born icon 2004

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2 users heart off Bomb the Music Industry! - I Don't Love You Anymore
2 users heart off Bomb the Music Industry! - Depression Is No Fun
2 users heart off Bomb the Music Industry! - 493 Ruth
2 users heart off Bomb the Music Industry! - Jobs Schmobs
2 users heart off Bomb the Music Industry! - Unlimited Breadsticks, Soup and ...

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Artist Biography
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Bomb the Music Industry! (commonly abbreviated as BtMI!) is a band from Baldwin, Nassau County, New York. They write, produce, record, and distribute all of their music under the leadership of songwriter and producer Jeff Rosenstock.
Rosenstock and several other contributors were previously members of The Arrogant Sons of Bitches. As that band was breaking up, Rosenstock recorded the first BtMI! song, "Sweet Home Cananada," using his PowerBook's built-in microphone. "I wrote that song and put it out to see if anybody wanted it. That was how it started, people showed interest and I like recording stuff."
The band is known for their DIY punk ethic, embodied in actions such as distributing six albums worth of their own material for free on their website, and offering free stencils and paint for fans to create their own T-shirts. They also have offered fans a chance to perform on stage if they learn a song and bring their instrument to the show. Since April of 2009, the band has made it a point to play all-ages shows with ticket prices of $10 or less.
Over time, the band's lineup shifted from "pretty much a free-for-all" to a fairly steady five-member lineup. In 2012, the band announced an indefinite hiatus, stating that their summer US tour would likely be their last because "the 9 - 10 months of our lives when we are not playing music are not fantastic." They added, "We are beautiful complicated fucking snowflakes that blow wherever the wind takes us and you better fucking respect that shit, maaaan." However, as of November 25 2012, Bomb The Music Industry! has a tour listed on their website for the end of 2012.
BTMI recordings have been featured on television shows such as Weeds and The Office.
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Last Edit by beerzone
04th Dec 2018

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