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Death Grips

The Powers That B (2015)

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The Powers That B is the fourth studio album by experimental hip hop group Death Grips. It is a double album. The album's first disc, Niggas on the Moon, was released as a free digital download on June 8, 2014. The entire first disc features chopped vocal samples of Icelandic singer-songwriter, Björk. The second half, Jenny Death, leaked online on March 19, 2015. The double album as a whole is set to be officially released via Harvest Records on March 31, 2015.

On January 19, 2014, Zach Hill posted to his Facebook page, stating that the group had begun recording a new album. On June 8, 2014, the first disc: Niggas on the Moon, was released as a free download via, Death Grips' official website. On June 9, 2014, Björk confirmed her vocal contributions, via various social media outlets.

On March 16, 2015, "On GP" from the album's forthcoming second disc, "Jenny Death", was awarded a "Best New Track" review on Pitchfork's website, comparing the band and their stylistic transition (from experimental hip-hop to straightforward rap-rock) to New York experimental black metal outfit, Liturgy, and both of their given reputations in modern underground music, similar modi operandi in both artistic vision and philosophy, and similar tendencies of fusing both rock and rap into their more recent work as well. Grayson Haver Currin of Pitchfork also stated in the track review that "even for a longtime death-obsessed outfit, these lyrics—about ropes and hangings, boredom and psychosis, annoyance and exits—are more grim than usual, as if an act with nothing left to lose finally decided to lock themselves into a room, turn up and morph into a rap-rock band before maybe vanishing forever."

On March 19, 2015, the album was leaked onto various filesharing websites and shared to 4chan, Reddit and Bandcamp.
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