Album Title

Krissi B

Revival Of The Samurai EP (2015)

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Hailing from the old school days of the birth of bassline, Krissi B is widely known for dominating multiple record labels with his crazy style of old school tracks, those of which even included a number one on the UK Garage charts in 2007 through 'Northern Line Records'! Krissi B (and Mikey B) felt it would be nice to re-release some of his finer tracks including some unreleased ones for free, reminding you party people where the modern styles of bassline have truly spawned.

For those that don't know, Krissi co-ran Vinyl Samurais with GS from 2007-2009. Krissi was sourcing new and exciting artists like Mikey B, Enigma Dubz, Shocka D, Aaron B and many more, Vinyl Samurais became popular.
With GS busy on monthly downloadable mixes and website duties, Krissi mixed and mastered all the releases, as well as writing his own music for the label. Some of the best releases from that era are available on this free download, including a previously unreleased version of "You Will Die".

After 2009 Krissi B and GS parted ways to pursue different things and the website became inactive, however in early 2015 GS relaunched Vinyl Samurais at
Krissi and Mikey B are working on new B Squared material which will be available later in the year.

Big shouts to all that have supported Krissi B and Mikey B, and of course Vinyl Samurais over the years, and again to those that have supported us! Enjoy the free music as always and look out for some more madness from the man Krissi B himself!
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