Album Title
Hush Bisyo
Artist Icon Drowned In Silent Agony (2024)
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First Released

Calendar Icon 2024


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Album Description
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For quite some time now, and by this I mean months ago, I wanted to start a side project where I could release Ambient and Dark Ambient. The latter doesn't mean I couldn't do it on Mabisyo, but from now on everything I do on Hush Bisyo is something with a different approach, much more experimental.

I want to have the freedom to play with sounds and effects without filling up my main project (Mabisyo) which is already full of albums. I also want to be able to give space to genres like Hushwave, Drone and other genres that are simply part of the same sound set.

Some of you who have known me for a long time will know that I had previously done a project specifically designed for ambient sounds under the name "Dark Bisyo", I guess this is something like a reboot, a new way of doing things so to speak.

As a final point, I would like to say that this album is the beginning of a sound that I will try to work on more regularly. I have at least two more albums in the works, but only time will tell when they will be finished and when I will publish them.
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