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Dimmu Borgir

Eonian (2018)

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First Released

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Genre Icon Black Metal


Mood Icon Angry


Style Icon Metal


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Speed Icon Nuclear Blast

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"Eonian" is the tenth studio album by Norwegian black metal band Dimmu Borgir, which was released on May 4, 2018 on the Nuclear Blast label.
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User Album Review
Dimmu have always had elements of symphonic music and orchestration juxtaposing their signature black metal rawness, but over time this has become more and more pronounced. ‘Abrahadabra’ saw the band at their most symphonic, bring the scale Dimmu are known for to an epic level. However, where ‘Abrahadabra’ seemed to be lacking in a magical touch, ‘Eonian’ has it nailed. Everything is crafted to a much higher standard – the purer black metal sections are more visceral, the orchestration grander, and the execution is flawless.
From even a casual listen of the fittingly titled opening track, “The Unveiling,” Dimmu Borgir are back and stronger than ever. “The Unveiling” showcases an almost schizophrenic style, as an unsettling driving riff heralds a more obvious black metal sound, before the piano and choir allows the more tranquil side of Dimmu Borgir to take focus. “Ætheric” is the highlight from the first half of the album, carrying a groovy, black ‘n’ roll stomp that owes a lot to Satyricon’s more recent material.
Though there is not a single poor moment on the first half of the record, the opening tracks are eclipsed by the majesty of ‘Eonian’’s second half. “Lightbringer” is one of the more traditionally “Dimmu” sounding tracks the record has to offer, with the orchestration being used to highlight the visceral, oddly catchy riffing rather than standing by its side as a main focal point. The use of orchestration in “I Am Sovereign” is absolutely masterful, with Eastern sounding melodies and an imperial rhythm driving the song forward to a truly epic end. With the melancholic, hauntingly beautiful instrumental “Rite of Passage”, Dimmu Borgir bring the captivating and emotional journey that is ‘Eonian’ to its conclusion.
‘Eonian’ hits the mark, and immediately establishes itself as the standard all future symphonic black metal will be measured against. Without a shadow of a doubt, ‘Eonian’ was worth the eight-year wait.
Reviewed by Fraser Wilson for

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