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"Relentless Mutation" is a studio album from Vancouver, British Columbia-based technical death metal band Archspire, released September 22, 2017 on the Season of Mist label.
User Album Review
They master one of the most important things about establishing a solid artistic legacy: when you hear them, you know it’s Archspire. It’s not Beyond Creation, Obscura or the dozens of bands that emerged after 2010 to rush into the sweep-picking sweepstakes. Nope, when you hear “Calamus Will Animate” or “Remote Tumour Seeker,” you know who it is. The second track is a glorious and dizzying romp through intricate drums and guitars. But crucially, the riffs are good and worth multiple listens. In other words, listening to Relentless Mutation is a rewarding experience for the music itself, and not something akin to watching pointless shred videos for the one-time thrill.
As someone who’s not really into tech-death, it’s great to hear a band make something like “Human Murmuration,” where the sweep picking works as a well-placed narrative guide to lead you to other goodies like the mini-bass solo (a death metal must!!) at 2:50 and Oli’s high-pitched scream. And as you can see on songs like “Involuntary Doppelgänger,” the band has gotten the memo to use gory and terrifying themes effectively, to where they engage and terrify listeners without pointlessly grossing them out.
In other words, Relentless Mutation is a great step forward for Archspire, as the writing is vastly improved and more consistent than on previous records. And it’s a great step forward for death metal as well, especially the tech death-side of things. Never mind our worries about the robots replacing us. The robots should be afraid of Archspire replacing them!
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