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Track List
01) (shiva)
02) bumblebee Music Video Icon
03) stevie Music Video Icon Flame icon
04) (mortis)
05) doomsday
06) treat
07) glass
08) explodes
09) (levitation)
10) clouds
11) eez-eh Flame icon
12) bow Music Video Icon
13) s.p.s

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First Released

Calendar Icon 2014


Genre Icon Alternative Rock


Mood Icon Excitable


Style Icon Rock/Pop


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Album Description
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48:13 is the fifth studio album by English rock band Kasabian. The album, produced by the band's guitarist Sergio Pizzorno and named after its total running time, was released in Germany on 6 June 2014 and in the UK on 9 June 2014. It is promoted by the lead single "Eez-eh".
On 13 November 2013, Kasabian posted a teaser video on their official YouTube channel, announcing that the band's guitarist Sergio Pizzorno had been in the studio for the previous six months working on material for the new record. In an interview with QRO magazine, the band also revealed that the album would be produced by Pizzorno, who also co-produced their 2011 album Velociraptor!.
On 28 April 2014, Pizzorno said in a statement announcing the release of 48:13, "I felt that we had the confidence to be more direct, more honest with this album. I started to strip away layers rather than to just keep adding." Kasabian vocalist Tom Meighan added, "Less is more, you know? It's direct. It is what it is. Just listen to it. We've had the confidence to lay ourselves bare. Serge has stripped it right back. It's unbelievable."

On 13 November 2013, Kasabian posted a teaser video on their official YouTube channel, announcing that the band's guitarist Sergio Pizzorno had been in the studio for the previous six months working on material for the new record. In an interview with QRO magazine, the band also revealed that the album would be produced by Pizzorno, who also co-produced their 2011 album Velociraptor!.

On 28 April 2014, Pizzorno said in a statement announcing the release of 48:13, "I felt that we had the confidence to be more direct, more honest with this album. I started to strip away layers rather than to just keep adding." Kasabian vocalist Tom Meighan added, "Less is more, you know? It's direct. It is what it is. Just listen to it. We've had the confidence to lay ourselves bare. Serge has stripped it right back. It's unbelievable."

Kasabian have listed Kanye West, Joe Strummer Nirvana, Death Grips, Led Zeppelin, Rage Against the Machine and Beastie Boys as influences for the album.
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User Album Review
Approaching Kasabian’s fifth album, songwriter/producer Sergio Pizzorno opted for a more slimmed-down sound, stripping away layers of sound to allow the ideas to speak more clearly. The attitude extends to the album title (the aggregate time of the tracks), and to the individual track titles themselves, which are lower-case, single-word tags rather than verbose statements of intent.

It’s a brave but largely successful move, as is the shift from mainly guitar-riff-based songs to ones predominantly fuelled by synthesisers: the ghost of Kraftwerk hovers over the elegant industry of “explodes”, while the cycling sequenced electronics of “glass” could find a welcome on the dancefloor, were it not for the contrasting passages of acoustic guitar (not to mention the concluding rap referencing Moses and Rosa Parks in its encouragement of maverick endurance).

There are still, of course, remnants of their stadium-sized UK Sixties psych-rock influences, most notably the euphoric “clouds”, while the concluding “s.p.s” (scissors, paper, stone) allows the album to glide away in a haze of quiet rhythm guitar and lap steel. But the obvious festival anthems here are mainly electro-rockers, like the single “eez-eh” – where Tom Meighan threatens to keep us up all night: “no rhyme or reason, I’m just trying to set the world to rights” – and the lolloping opener “bumblebee”, whose pogoing chorus pulse emphasises the theme of togetherness in the sunshine and under the moonlight.

An extensive synth coda of loping electro-symphonic funk extends the nervy “treat” to almost seven minutes, but elsewhere things are kept tighter and shorter and punchier. The main exception comes with “stevie”, the electro pulse of which is tempered with a rising cello figure and brooding horns, as Meighan urges an excitable youth to “calm down, take your medication... live to fight another day”. But it’s a rarity on an album mostly stuffed with the kind of calls to arms designed to get festivals jumping.


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