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A Funk Odyssey (2001)

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First Released

Calendar Icon 2001


Genre Icon Acid Jazz


Mood Icon Good Natured


Style Icon Jazz


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Speed Icon Virgin

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Album Description
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A Funk Odyssey is the fifth studio album by British acid jazz band Jamiroquai, released on 3 September 2001 in the United Kingdom, and 11 September 2001 in the United States.
Combining features of disco, funk and electronica, the release of the album represented the peak of international commercial success for Jamiroquai, and in the ensuing world tour the group became a household name in many countries. The sleeve art of A Funk Odyssey features Jay Kay posed in front of a series of lasers that form the famous "Buffalo Man" logo, making it the first Jamiroquai album not to feature the logo prominently on its cover. The album marks a departure from the band's previous acid jazz sound; the band finds themselves in a disco funk vibe, and is also very focused on an electronica sound, evident especially in "Twenty Zero One" and "Stop Don't Panic". A popular fan interpretation is that "Main Vein" is a song written about Denise van Outen, Jay's ex-girlfriend, but from her perspective; the song would have thus featured a female vocalist and would showcase the same fight shown in "Little L" but from Denise's perspective. A test pressing of the album features an instrumental of "Main Vein", which supports this theory.
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