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First Released

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Genre Icon Pop


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Style Icon Rock/Pop


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Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy is the ninth studio album by British singer/musician Elton John, released in 1975. It debuted at number 1 on the U.S. Pop Albums chart, the first album ever to do so, and stayed there for seven weeks. It was certified Gold on 21 May 1975 and was certified Platinum and 3x Platinum on 23 March 1993 by the RIAA. In Canada, it also debuted at number 1 on the RPM national Top Albums chart and only broke a run of what would have been fifteen consecutive weeks at the top by falling one position to number 2 in the ninth week (May 31 - September 6). On the UK Albums Chart, it peaked at number 2. In 2003, the album was ranked number 158 on Rolling Stone magazine's list of the 500 greatest albums of all time. This was the last album until Too Low For Zero that Elton John and his classic band would play together.
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