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Genre Icon Grunge


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Speed Icon DGC Records

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Nirvana est l'album compilation du groupe Nirvana sorti en 2002.
Cet album est le troisième à sortir après la mort du leader Kurt Cobain en 1994. Parmi les albums posthumes Nirvana est le premier à faire figurer du contenu enregistré en studio, puisque MTV Unplugged in New York en 1994, puis From the Muddy Banks of the Wishkah en 1996 font figurer des enregistrements en concert.

L'album présente l'inédit You Know You're Right enregistré pendant la dernière session d'enregistrement en studio du groupe le 30 janvier 1994. Figurent également sur l'album une sélection des chansons les plus connues du groupe, actif de 1987 à 1994.

Nirvana est finalement sorti en 2002 après la résolution d'un différend entre Courtney Love, la veuve du chanteur Kurt Cobain, et les deux membres restants du groupe Novoselic et Grohl. La dispute se tournait autour de la chanson You Know You're Right que Novoselic et Grohl voulaient faire figurer sur un coffret spécial, qu'ils n'ont donc pu sortir car Love avait son mot sur les droits et l'héritage de Nirvana.

Elle trouvait que l'inédit You Know You're Right serait "gâché" sur un coffret, et elle préférait voir la chanson sortir sur un album de compilation de singles similaire au Beatles' 1.
Finalement la chanson sortit sur un album compilation.
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User Album Review
"Things have never been so swell, I have never felt so well..."
Roll up, roll up. Welcome to Nirvana's Greatest Hits, you know the band that changed the face of modern rock music. All your favourites are here, and there's a new track too ("You Know You're Right"), conveniently placed in pole position.
Their debut Bleach is criminally under-represented, with only "About A Girl" making an appearance.Then we get "Been A Son" and "Sliver" from the interim sessions prior to Nevermind, before coming across most of the first side of that classic album ("Smells Like Teen Spirit", "Come As You Are", "Lithium" and "In Bloom" all storming songs which remind the listener exactly why Nirvana broke the alt-rock mould).
The next section comprises a selection from Nirvana's swan song, In Utero."Heart Shaped Box", "Pennyroyal Tea" and "Rape Me" are still wonderful, visceral songs, but it's "All Apologies" which really tugs at the heartstrings.We finish up with two numbers from the MTV Unplugged session -covers of Leadbelly's "Where Did You Sleep Last Night" and Bowie's "The Man Who Sold The World".The latter makes for particularly difficult listening in retrospect, with Cobain's tortured voice insisting that "we never lost control".Less than six months later he committed suicide.
Of course, the main reason most Nirvana fans will buy this record is the only new track on the album, "You Know You're Right". While the initial impact of "Smells Like Teen Spirit" is almost impossible to eclipse (remember where you were the first time you heard that intro and those chords?), for most aficionados of the Seattle Trio it was a veritable shiver-down-the-spine moment when "You Know You're Right" first came on the radio.A rave from the grave.A poignant reminder of what might have been. An almost unbearable sense of bathos.Listening to a dead man snarling out his last gasp of righteous sarcasm.
Who these barbed lyrics are directed towards is a matter of debate.The fact that the remaining members of Nirvana have been locked in litigation with Cobain's widow regarding the release of a box set of both old and unreleased material for over two years may be neither here nor there. One can only wonder what the notoriously cynical and anti-corporate Kurt would have made of it all.
"I am married...buried...All we are is all we are"

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