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Artist Icon Ear Slayer (2012)
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Track List
01) Video Games Music Video Icon Flame icon
02) Sneak Music Video Icon Flame icon
03) Inferno Music Video Icon Flame icon
04) Master Blaster Master Music Video Icon Flame icon
05) Hong Kong Music Video Icon
06) Earwig Flame icon
07) Sleuth
08) Winning
09) Epic
10) Lair
11) Tin Nendo
12) Destroy
13) Wizard Dance
14) End

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Back Cover
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CD Art
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First Released

Calendar Icon 2012


Genre Icon Video Game Music


Mood Icon Trippy


Style Icon Electronic


Theme Icon ---


Speed Icon Fast

Release Format

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Sales Icon 0 copies

Album Description
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On the the name... Initially, I was going to name this "8bit Bach". My later songs weren't as baroque as "Sneak", so I reconsidered. I also wanted a name that had teeth. I do like to slay demons... and ears... and I love flailing things about above my hand. So, Zwëihander makes total sense.

Some of the best songs (imo) were made expeditiously and with a purpose. For instance, "Earwig" was originally entitled "Earbug". I composed a simple bass line... well I was trying to create something simple, but I couldn't quite get it. The idea was to create something terribly basic... think "Look at my horse..." The trouble was that I always wanted more notes. I would play it and think, "Hmm... I should embellish a little there."

I have listened to a ridiculous amount of Mozart over the years... and I really enjoy his extra notes. I have a very hard time when trying to limit myself, especially when I am mentally trying to create something that could be considered "mainstream pop". "Earbug" was going to be simple... annoying... And I was even going to sing something asinine over it. Next, I was going to upload it and watch as thousands devoured it... All the while laughing about how I had successfully created something for the simple-minded masses. It didn't work and I was stuck with a bass line that wanted to be rudimentary, and almost is, but isn't.

SteelSeries sent several products over for review. Among them were a few mousepads (thanks). We decided to make a ridiculously epic (and silly) video with one, and we did. After shooting the video I realized we didn't have a good song for it. I threw the bass like from "Earbug" behind the opening sequence (Qain is walking into the massive Manhattan Post Office on 30th ST) and it fit. Thirty minutes later the song was finished and the video was rendering.

Some other songs were created through similar circumstances but, most were created independent of the videos. After the first song or two, I found that I wanted to create more. I'm a metal head... So it was odd at first, creating something electronic and silly.

The last story that I will share is in regard to "Inferno". Chris Bonnell (the artists behind the album cover) was working on a live-action animated short very loosely based on Dante's Inferno. Qain and I helped build the set and shoot some footage. This piece remains unfinished... But it was freaking awesome. When I am back in NY it would be cool to finish that.
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