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Where do I begin…? (Sits back in leather wing backed chair, draws deeply on his fat cigar, swirls the remnants of his brandy around his stout brandy glass and stares longingly into the dying embers of the open fire while stroking his greying moustache)….and that’s the last I saw of Keris.
Anyway back to the Pinkie story. Pinkie are essentially me (Alex Sharkey) with some helpers, some thoughts, songs, and philosophies that I’ve been dying to get off my chest. I wanted to create something simple, fragile...yet entirely genuine. Songs created purely for my own benefit. And if others liked them, they were welcome to come along for the ride. With bits of the Byrds, Field Mice, Brian, East River Pipe in the melting pot…I hope I do them justice. Can you fly like you mean it?
It all started back in the late eighties/early nineties when I was in a band with my best (only) friend Keris, and his girlfriend Alison. Described as an acoustic power combo, we broke hearts and released records on the now mythical in stature Sarah Records. We released several EPs including, Around the World in Eighty Days, Noah’s Ark, So You Said, Disney…(though you might have to keep this quiet…we didn’t ask Walt), and top selling album Laurel.
After a time as Brighter, Keris and myself felt it was time to try something different; something that crackled fizzled and popped…and we became electro popsters Hal…who could fairly be described as Brighter to a disco beat.
We released the Election Day EP on Vinyl Japan…which was pretty well received. It sounded retro—even then—but seeing as I did all the programming in my bedroom and used one outdated sound module, it’s hardly surprising. I’m still very proud of it—you can still drown yourself in the rhythm and beauty.
As time went on and I started to realise what was and wasn’t important, I felt inspired to write songs that I could immerse myself in, that I knew had a right to exist. I read Graham Greene’s “Brighton Rock” and suddenly it all seemed to fit into place. Pinkie was born, and I suppose the songs kind of wrote themselves.
Simultaneously I am also co-writer/guitarist/programmer/dogs body for a band called Fosca who are currently on Shinkansen Records…a band that have more in common with Hal. Currently gigging around London, our main aim is to irritate as many people as possible. I think we’re succeeding….
—Alex Sharkey, Pinkie
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Last Edit by tigermilk74
19th Dec 2014



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